Bob Ryan - Played Against

Player Team Games First Game Against Last Game Against
 Australia Ashton, Ferris104 Oct 195204 Oct 1952
 Cumberland Askew, Bill115 May 194815 May 1948
 New Zealand Atkinson, Alister306 Oct 195112 Oct 1955
 New Zealand Bakalich, Vern112 Oct 195512 Oct 1955
 New Zealand Barchard, Des229 Jul 195012 Aug 1950
 Other Nationalities Bath, Harry118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 Cumberland Bawden, Jeff115 May 194815 May 1948
 New Zealand Baxter, Tommy529 Jul 195012 Oct 1955
 France Béraud, André111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 Other Nationalities Bevan, Brian118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 Rest of League Bevan, Brian104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 New Zealand Blanchard, Lory122 Nov 195122 Nov 1951
 Yorkshire Booth, Jack112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Yorkshire Bowers, Albert112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Rest of League Broome, Jack104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 France Brousse, Élie111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 France Cantoni, Vincent111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 Australia Carlson, Brian104 Oct 195204 Oct 1952
 Cumberland Carr, Jock115 May 194815 May 1948
 Australia Churchill, Clive212 Jun 195004 Oct 1952
 Yorkshire Clarkson, Des112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Other Nationalities Clues, Arthur118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 Rest of League Clues, Arthur104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 France Contrastin, Raymond111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 Rest of League Cook, Bert104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Other Nationalities Cooper, Lionel118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 Rest of League Cooper, Lionel104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Australia Cowie, Les112 Jun 195012 Jun 1950
 New Zealand Creedy, Pat112 Oct 195512 Oct 1955
 France Crespo, Joseph111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 Australia Crocker, Mick104 Oct 195204 Oct 1952
 Yorkshire Daddy, Maurice112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Other Nationalities Daly, John118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 New Zealand Davidson, George429 Jul 195022 Nov 1951
 Australia Davies, Brian104 Oct 195204 Oct 1952
 Australia de Belin, Fred112 Jun 195012 Jun 1950
 Other Nationalities Devery, Pat118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 France Dop, Jean111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 France Duffort, René111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 New Zealand Eastlake, Cyril206 Oct 195122 Nov 1951
 Yorkshire Fletcher, Arthur112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 New Zealand Forrest, Jack329 Jul 195022 Nov 1951
 France Galaup, Charles111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 New Zealand Haggie, Dick112 Oct 195512 Oct 1955
 New Zealand Haig, Jimmy429 Jul 195022 Nov 1951
 Australia Hall, Duncan212 Jun 195004 Oct 1952
 New Zealand Hardwick, Travers229 Jul 195012 Aug 1950
 Yorkshire Hargreaves, Sam112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Australia Hawick, Greg104 Oct 195204 Oct 1952
 Cumberland Hayton, Jimmy115 May 194815 May 1948
 Australia Hazzard, Noel104 Oct 195204 Oct 1952
 Rest of League Helme, Gerry104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Other Nationalities Henderson, Peter118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 Australia Holland, Jack112 Jun 195012 Jun 1950
 Australia Holman, Keith212 Jun 195004 Oct 1952
 New Zealand Hough, Bevin329 Jul 195006 Oct 1951
 Other Nationalities Hunter, Johnny118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 New Zealand Hurndell, Sandy229 Jul 195012 Aug 1950
 Cumberland Inglesfield, Stan115 May 194815 May 1948
 New Zealand Johnson, Cliff329 Jul 195006 Oct 1951
 Other Nationalities Kelly, Cec118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 New Zealand Kilkelly, Trevor112 Oct 195512 Oct 1955
 Yorkshire Kitching, Jack112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Yorkshire Ledgard, Jimmy112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Cumberland Lewthwaite, Jim115 May 194815 May 1948
 Cumberland Longman, Frank115 May 194815 May 1948
 Rest of League Marson, Len104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Yorkshire Marson, Len112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 France Martin, Martin111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 New Zealand Maxwell, Henry112 Oct 195512 Oct 1955
 France Mazon, Louis111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 New Zealand McBride, Charlie429 Jul 195022 Nov 1951
 New Zealand McKay, Ron112 Oct 195512 Oct 1955
 Cumberland McKeating, Vince115 May 194815 May 1948
 Other Nationalities McKinney, Tom118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 New Zealand McLennan, Bill306 Oct 195112 Oct 1955
 Rest of League McMaster, Bob104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 New Zealand McNicol, Les112 Oct 195512 Oct 1955
 Australia McRitchie, Doug112 Jun 195012 Jun 1950
 New Zealand Menzies, George206 Oct 195112 Oct 1955
 Yorkshire Metcalfe, Bill112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Australia Middleton, Keith112 Jun 195012 Jun 1950
 Rest of League Mountford, Ces104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Other Nationalities Mudge, Johnny118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 New Zealand Mulcare, Frank206 Oct 195122 Nov 1951
 New Zealand Newton, John229 Jul 195012 Aug 1950
 Cumberland Nicholson, Bob115 May 194815 May 1948
 Other Nationalities Paskins, Tony118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 Australia Paul, Albert104 Oct 195204 Oct 1952
 Cumberland Pepperell, Albert115 May 194815 May 1948
 Cumberland Pepperell, Russ115 May 194815 May 1948
 New Zealand Percy, Rex112 Oct 195512 Oct 1955
 France Pérez, Raoul111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 Yorkshire Perry, Jack112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Australia Pidding, Noel212 Jun 195004 Oct 1952
 France Ponsinet, Édouard111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 Rest of League Prescott, Alan104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 France Puig, Robert Aubert111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 New Zealand Robertson, Bruce122 Nov 195122 Nov 1951
 New Zealand Robertson, Maurie429 Jul 195022 Nov 1951
 Australia Schubert, Kevin212 Jun 195004 Oct 1952
 Rest of League Slevin, Ted104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Australia Stanmore, Frank112 Jun 195012 Jun 1950
 Cumberland Stoddart, Jack115 May 194815 May 1948
 Australia Thompson, Alan112 Jun 195012 Jun 1950
 Australia Troy, Jack112 Jun 195012 Jun 1950
 Other Nationalities Valentine, Dave118 Oct 195218 Oct 1952
 Rest of League Valentine, Dave104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Cumberland Wareing, Jim115 May 194815 May 1948
 Yorkshire Watson, Frank112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Australia Wells, Harry104 Oct 195204 Oct 1952
 Yorkshire Wheatley, Reg112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 New Zealand White, Des429 Jul 195022 Nov 1951
 Rest of League Williams, Les104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 New Zealand Yates, John112 Oct 195512 Oct 1955