Ernie Ashcroft - Played Against

Player Team Games First Game Against Last Game Against
 Cumberland Ackerley, Alvin204 Jan 194714 May 1951
 New Zealand Ackland, Ron114 Aug 195414 Aug 1954
 Other Nationalities Allan, Trevor111 Apr 195111 Apr 1951
 New Zealand Anderson, Doug108 Nov 194708 Nov 1947
 Great Britain Colours Anderson, Jock120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 Yorkshire Anderson, Joe128 Apr 195328 Apr 1953
 Australia Andrews, Ned101 Jul 195001 Jul 1950
 Australia Ashton, Ferris119 Nov 195219 Nov 1952
 Cumberland Askew, Bill115 May 194815 May 1948
 New Zealand Atkinson, Alister224 Jul 195414 Aug 1954
 New Zealand Austin, Jim114 Aug 195414 Aug 1954
 New Zealand Aynsley, Bob208 Nov 194720 Dec 1947
 Great Britain Whites Baddeley, Dennis130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Yorkshire Baddeley, Dennis110 Nov 194510 Nov 1945
 Wales Banks, Billy214 Oct 195019 Sep 1951
 Australia Banks, Bob212 Jun 195417 Jul 1954
 New Zealand Barchard, Des129 Jul 195029 Jul 1950
 France Barreteau, Jean111 Apr 194811 Apr 1948
 Other Nationalities Bartlett, Robert119 Sep 194919 Sep 1949
 France Bartoletti, Paul212 Mar 194925 Nov 1951
 Great Britain Colours Bassett, Arthur120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 Other Nationalities Bath, Harry219 Sep 194911 Apr 1951
 Yorkshire Batten, Eric110 Nov 194510 Nov 1945
 Cumberland Bawden, Jeff404 Jan 194714 May 1951
 Yorkshire Baxter, Les110 Nov 194510 Nov 1945
 New Zealand Baxter, Tommy329 Jul 195014 Aug 1954
 Great Britain Colours Bennett, Ivor120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 France BĂ©raud, AndrĂ©325 Oct 194711 Nov 1950
 France Berthomieu, Gabriel425 Oct 194725 Nov 1951
 Other Nationalities Bevan, Brian219 Sep 194911 Apr 1951
 Rest of League Bevan, Brian104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 New Zealand Blanchard, Lory114 Aug 195414 Aug 1954
 New Zealand Bond, John124 Jul 195424 Jul 1954
 Wales Boocker, Dennis114 Oct 195014 Oct 1950
 Yorkshire Booth, Jack112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Great Britain Reds Bowden, Jim124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Yorkshire Bowers, Albert112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Yorkshire Bowman, Keith106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Great Britain Whites Bratley, Len130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Yorkshire Bratley, Len110 Nov 194510 Nov 1945
 Great Britain Reds Bretherton, Bill124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Rest of League Broome, Jack104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 France Brousse, Élie525 Oct 194725 Nov 1951
 Great Britain Reds Brown, Gordon124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Australia Bull, Roy319 Nov 195203 Jul 1954
 Cumberland Burrow, John104 Jan 194704 Jan 1947
 New Zealand Butterfield, Jock114 Aug 195414 Aug 1954
 France Caillou, Robert225 Oct 194712 Mar 1949
 Wales Cale, Ray119 Sep 195119 Sep 1951
 France Calixte, Gaston211 Apr 194812 Mar 1949
 France Cantoni, Vincent312 Mar 194925 Nov 1951
 Australia Carlson, Brian312 Jun 195417 Jul 1954
 Cumberland Carr, Jock304 Jan 194720 Apr 1949
 Great Britain Reds Castle, Frank124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 France Cesses, Bernard111 Apr 194811 Apr 1948
 Australia Churchill, Clive808 Dec 194817 Jul 1954
 Cumberland Clark, Geoff120 Apr 194920 Apr 1949
 New Zealand Clark, Roy120 Dec 194720 Dec 1947
 New Zealand Clarke, Warwick208 Nov 194720 Dec 1947
 Great Britain Colours Clarkson, Des120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 Yorkshire Clarkson, Des112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Rest of League Clues, Arthur104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Australia Collinson, Arthur119 Nov 195219 Nov 1952
 France Comes, Gaston125 Oct 194725 Oct 1947
 France Contrastin, Raymond311 Apr 194825 Nov 1951
 Rest of League Cook, Bert104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Other Nationalities Cooper, Lionel219 Sep 194911 Apr 1951
 Rest of League Cooper, Lionel104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Australia Cowie, Les408 Dec 194822 Jul 1950
 Yorkshire Cracknell, Dick228 Apr 195306 Oct 1954
 France Crespo, Joseph411 Apr 194825 Nov 1951
 Australia Crocker, Mick401 Jul 195003 Jul 1954
 Yorkshire Daddy, Maurice112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Other Nationalities Daly, John111 Apr 195111 Apr 1951
 Great Britain Reds Daniels, Arthur124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Wales Daniels, Arthur119 Sep 195119 Sep 1951
 Wales Danter, Tom114 Oct 195014 Oct 1950
 New Zealand Davidson, George129 Jul 195029 Jul 1950
 Wales Davies, Bill112 Oct 194612 Oct 1946
 Australia Davies, Brian219 Nov 195217 Jul 1954
 Wales Davies, Dai112 Oct 194612 Oct 1946
 Great Britain Colours Davies, Willie120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 Wales Davies, Willie112 Oct 194612 Oct 1946
 Yorkshire Dawson, Edgar106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Australia de Belin, Fred308 Dec 194801 Jul 1950
 Yorkshire Dean, Ken128 Apr 195328 Apr 1953
 France DĂ©jean, Paul211 Apr 194812 Mar 1949
 Other Nationalities Devery, Pat219 Sep 194911 Apr 1951
 Australia Diversi, Peter117 Jul 195417 Jul 1954
 Australia Donohoe, Col119 Nov 195219 Nov 1952
 France Dop, Jean211 Nov 195025 Nov 1951
 France Duffort, RenĂ©225 Oct 194711 Nov 1950
 Australia Duncan, Rees119 Nov 195219 Nov 1952
 New Zealand Eastlake, Cyril124 Jul 195424 Jul 1954
 New Zealand Edwards, Jimmy224 Jul 195414 Aug 1954
 Great Britain Reds Evans, Jack124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Wales Evans, Jack214 Oct 195019 Sep 1951
 Yorkshire Fearnley, Albert128 Apr 195328 Apr 1953
 Cumberland Fearon, Joe114 May 195114 May 1951
 Great Britain Colours Fiddes, Alex120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 Australia Flannery, Denis101 Jul 195001 Jul 1950
 Yorkshire Fletcher, Arthur212 Nov 194706 Oct 1954
 New Zealand Forrest, Jack308 Nov 194729 Jul 1950
 Wales Foster, Trevor212 Oct 194606 Dec 1947
 Wales Francis, Roy212 Oct 194606 Dec 1947
 Yorkshire Froggett, Don128 Apr 195328 Apr 1953
 Australia Froome, Keith108 Dec 194808 Dec 1948
 France Galaup, Charles212 Mar 194911 Nov 1950
 Cumberland Gibson, Eppie114 May 195114 May 1951
 Wales Goldswain, Bryn114 Oct 195014 Oct 1950
 Yorkshire Goodfellow, Harry110 Nov 194510 Nov 1945
 Cumberland Graham, Les120 Apr 194920 Apr 1949
 Australia Graves, Johnny101 Jul 195001 Jul 1950
 Wales Griffiths, Tuss112 Oct 194612 Oct 1946
 France Guilhem, Roger125 Nov 195125 Nov 1951
 Wales Gullick, Don114 Oct 195014 Oct 1950
 Wales Gwyther, Elwyn306 Dec 194719 Sep 1951
 New Zealand Haig, Jimmy420 Dec 194714 Aug 1954
 Australia Hall, Duncan708 Dec 194817 Jul 1954
 New Zealand Hardwick, Travers208 Nov 194729 Jul 1950
 Yorkshire Hargreaves, Sam112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Wales Harris, Norman106 Dec 194706 Dec 1947
 Great Britain Reds Harris, Tommy124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Wales Harrison, Viv119 Sep 195119 Sep 1951
 Australia Hawick, Greg119 Nov 195219 Nov 1952
 Cumberland Hayton, Jimmy315 May 194814 May 1951
 Australia Hazzard, Noel219 Nov 195203 Jul 1954
 Rest of League Helme, Gerry104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Cumberland Hodgson, Ned104 Jan 194704 Jan 1947
 Australia Holland, Jack408 Dec 194822 Jul 1950
 Australia Holman, Keith612 Jun 195017 Jul 1954
 Australia Horrigan, Jack108 Dec 194808 Dec 1948
 New Zealand Hough, Bevin129 Jul 195029 Jul 1950
 Other Nationalities Hunter, Johnny111 Apr 195111 Apr 1951
 New Zealand Hurndell, Sandy129 Jul 195029 Jul 1950
 Cumberland Inglesfield, Stan115 May 194815 May 1948
 Cumberland Ivison, Billy204 Jan 194720 Apr 1949
 Other Nationalities Jackson, Dennis219 Sep 194911 Apr 1951
 Great Britain Reds Jackson, Phil124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Wales James, Granville114 Oct 195014 Oct 1950
 Great Britain Colours Jenkins, Dai120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 Wales Jenkins, Dai212 Oct 194606 Dec 1947
 New Zealand Johnson, Cliff329 Jul 195014 Aug 1954
 New Zealand Johnson, Joffre208 Nov 194720 Dec 1947
 Wales Jones, Bob106 Dec 194706 Dec 1947
 Great Britain Colours Jones, Glyn120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 Great Britain Colours Jones, Joe120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 Wales Jones, Joe106 Dec 194706 Dec 1947
 Great Britain Reds Jones, Lewis124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 New Zealand Jordan, Len208 Nov 194720 Dec 1947
 Australia Kearney, Ken419 Nov 195217 Jul 1954
 Other Nationalities Kearney, Ken119 Sep 194919 Sep 1949
 Great Britain Reds Kielty, Stan124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Yorkshire Kielty, Stan128 Apr 195328 Apr 1953
 Yorkshire Kitching, Jack210 Nov 194512 Nov 1947
 Great Britain Whites Knowelden, Bryn130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Wales Lambert, Roy214 Oct 195019 Sep 1951
 Great Britain Whites Ledgard, Jimmy130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Yorkshire Ledgard, Jimmy210 Nov 194512 Nov 1947
 France Lespes, OdĂ©325 Oct 194712 Mar 1949
 Cumberland Lewthwaite, Jim304 Jan 194714 May 1951
 Great Britain Whites Lewthwaite, Jim130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 France Llari, Louis211 Apr 194825 Nov 1951
 Wales Lloyd, Reg212 Oct 194606 Dec 1947
 Cumberland Longman, Frank404 Jan 194714 May 1951
 Australia Lulham, Bob108 Dec 194808 Dec 1948
 Yorkshire Mageen, Joe106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Wales Mahoney, Joe114 Oct 195014 Oct 1950
 Yorkshire Markham, Harry128 Apr 195328 Apr 1953
 Great Britain Whites Marson, Len130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Rest of League Marson, Len104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Yorkshire Marson, Len112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 France Martin, Martin312 Mar 194925 Nov 1951
 France Mazon, Louis111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 New Zealand McBride, Charlie308 Nov 194729 Jul 1950
 Australia McCaffery, Ken112 Jun 195412 Jun 1954
 New Zealand McGregor, Ron208 Nov 194720 Dec 1947
 New Zealand McKay, Ron124 Jul 195424 Jul 1954
 Cumberland McKeating, Vince215 May 194820 Apr 1949
 Cumberland McKeown, John114 May 195114 May 1951
 Other Nationalities McKinney, Tom111 Apr 195111 Apr 1951
 New Zealand McLennan, Bill224 Jul 195414 Aug 1954
 Australia McMahon, Pat108 Dec 194808 Dec 1948
 Other Nationalities McMaster, Bob119 Sep 194919 Sep 1949
 Rest of League McMaster, Bob104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Australia McRitchie, Doug308 Dec 194822 Jul 1950
 Wales Meek, Mel212 Oct 194606 Dec 1947
 New Zealand Menzies, George124 Jul 195424 Jul 1954
 France Merquey, Jacques125 Nov 195125 Nov 1951
 Yorkshire Metcalfe, Bill112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Australia Middleton, Keith312 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 Other Nationalities Mountford, Ces111 Apr 195111 Apr 1951
 Rest of League Mountford, Ces104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 New Zealand Mountford, Ken208 Nov 194720 Dec 1947
 Other Nationalities Mudge, Johnny219 Sep 194911 Apr 1951
 New Zealand Mulcare, Frank224 Jul 195414 Aug 1954
 Yorkshire Mullaney, Joe106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Great Britain Colours Newbound, Sam120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 New Zealand Newton, John308 Nov 194729 Jul 1950
 Cumberland Nicholson, Bob404 Jan 194714 May 1951
 Australia O'Connell, Wally108 Dec 194808 Dec 1948
 Australia O'Shea, Kel312 Jun 195417 Jul 1954
 Great Britain Colours Ogden, Harry120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 Great Britain Whites Ogden, Harry130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Wales Osmond, Frank214 Oct 195019 Sep 1951
 Wales Owens, Ike212 Oct 194606 Dec 1947
 Other Nationalities Pansegrouw, Jack119 Sep 194919 Sep 1949
 Wales Parsons, George214 Oct 195019 Sep 1951
 Other Nationalities Paskins, Tony119 Sep 194919 Sep 1949
 Cumberland Pepperell, Albert404 Jan 194714 May 1951
 Cumberland Pepperell, Russ404 Jan 194714 May 1951
 Cumberland Pepperell, Stan204 Jan 194720 Apr 1949
 France PĂ©rez, Raoul225 Oct 194711 Nov 1950
 Yorkshire Perry, Jack112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Great Britain Colours Petcher, Trevor120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 Wales Phillips, Doug212 Oct 194619 Sep 1951
 Wales Phillips, Owen119 Sep 195119 Sep 1951
 Australia Pidding, Noel512 Jun 195017 Jul 1954
 France Ponsinet, Édouard111 Nov 195011 Nov 1950
 Yorkshire Poole, Bernard106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Great Britain Reds Prescott, Alan124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Rest of League Prescott, Alan104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Great Britain Colours Price, Gareth120 Feb 194620 Feb 1946
 Wales Price, Gareth112 Oct 194612 Oct 1946
 Australia Provan, Norm312 Jun 195417 Jul 1954
 France Puig, Robert Aubert425 Oct 194725 Nov 1951
 Australia Purcell, Bernie122 Jul 195022 Jul 1950
 Yorkshire Ramsden, Joe110 Nov 194510 Nov 1945
 Australia Rayner, Jack108 Dec 194808 Dec 1948
 Yorkshire Riches, Bill128 Apr 195328 Apr 1953
 France Rinaldi, François125 Nov 195125 Nov 1951
 Australia Roberts, Ron122 Jul 195022 Jul 1950
 New Zealand Robertson, Maurie308 Nov 194729 Jul 1950
 Yorkshire Robinson, Don106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 Great Britain Whites Robson, Bob130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Other Nationalities Robson, Bob111 Apr 195111 Apr 1951
 New Zealand Roff, Roy124 Jul 195424 Jul 1954
 Yorkshire Rookes, Sid110 Nov 194510 Nov 1945
 Great Britain Whites Rookes, Syd130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Australia Ryan, Tommy119 Nov 195219 Nov 1952
 Yorkshire Rylance, Ron110 Nov 194510 Nov 1945
 Australia Schubert, Kevin408 Dec 194822 Jul 1950
 Yorkshire Scott, Mick228 Apr 195306 Oct 1954
 Great Britain Reds Silcock, Nat124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Rest of League Slevin, Ted104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 New Zealand Smith, Pat208 Nov 194720 Dec 1947
 Yorkshire Smith, Sam228 Apr 195306 Oct 1954
 New Zealand Sorensen, Bill114 Aug 195414 Aug 1954
 Australia Stanmore, Frank312 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 Cumberland Stoddart, Jack115 May 194815 May 1948
 Australia Sullivan, Bob103 Jul 195403 Jul 1954
 France Taillantou, Pierre225 Oct 194711 Apr 1948
 Yorkshire Taylor, Tommy110 Nov 194510 Nov 1945
 Wales Thomas, Les106 Dec 194706 Dec 1947
 Australia Thompson, Alan212 Jun 195001 Jul 1950
 Yorkshire Thompson, Stan228 Apr 195306 Oct 1954
 Cumberland Thurlow, Steve114 May 195114 May 1951
 Great Britain Reds Traill, Ken124 Feb 195424 Feb 1954
 Yorkshire Traill, Ken106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 France Trescazes, FrĂ©dĂ©ric125 Oct 194725 Oct 1947
 Australia Troy, Jack212 Jun 195022 Jul 1950
 Yorkshire Tullock, Geoff128 Apr 195328 Apr 1953
 Yorkshire Turner, Rocky106 Oct 195406 Oct 1954
 France Ulma, Ambroise325 Oct 194712 Mar 1949
 Other Nationalities Valentine, Dave219 Sep 194911 Apr 1951
 Rest of League Valentine, Dave104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 France Volot, Marcel125 Oct 194725 Oct 1947
 Wales Ward, Ted106 Dec 194706 Dec 1947
 Cumberland Wareing, Jim404 Jan 194714 May 1951
 Australia Watson, Alex312 Jun 195417 Jul 1954
 Great Britain Whites Watson, Frank130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Yorkshire Watson, Frank112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Australia Wells, Harry117 Jul 195417 Jul 1954
 Yorkshire Wheatley, Reg112 Nov 194712 Nov 1947
 Wales Whitcombe, Frank112 Oct 194612 Oct 1946
 New Zealand White, Des329 Jul 195014 Aug 1954
 Great Britain Whites White, Les130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Yorkshire Whiteley, Johnny128 Apr 195328 Apr 1953
 Great Britain Whites Wilkinson, Harry130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Yorkshire Wilkinson, Harry110 Nov 194510 Nov 1945
 Great Britain Whites Williams, Dickie130 Jan 194630 Jan 1946
 Wales Williams, Dickie306 Dec 194719 Sep 1951
 Rest of League Williams, Les104 Oct 195004 Oct 1950
 Wales Williams, Les119 Sep 195119 Sep 1951
 Other Nationalities Wilson, George119 Sep 194919 Sep 1949
 Yorkshire Wright, Ernie110 Nov 194510 Nov 1945